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The code snippet below is a working copy of the code needed. Using the PHP Library For example: Non WordPress Software: Use something with a similar format. If the API Resource Activations were not deleted, the client would receive an error the next time the client software checked for a software update, and the client would see many activations already exist for a product they are no longer subscribed to, and the client would need to login to the My Account dashboard, go to API Keys, and figure out which activations to delete for a product they no longer subscribe to. A node-locked license is an API key for use on one computer, and is tied only to that computer. Send API Resource Data: More detailed information about the product can be sent if this option is on, although it is not required. All the customer should have to do once they have brought their account back into good standing is to reactivate their software. There are several differences with the API tab on a Variable type product. Make sure to check the product itself, because the API checkbox should be checked on the Product edit screen, or an API Resource will not be created when the product is purchased. We will provide you support if you have any problems with payment, or download of the product. Be careful with firewalls, since they can break API requests. For example: WordPress Theme: The lowercase name of the theme directory, a forward slash, then the lowercase name of the plugin directory. Product Order API Keys: The default API Keys template always displays the Master API Key, and can hide the Product Order API Keys if you want clients to use only the single Master API Key to activate API resources. To change the API Keys and API Downloads titles, as they appear in the My Account dashboard, use the woocommerce_account_menu_items filter. Found under WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy > Guest checkout. Each simple and variable variation can have a single number of activations, or unlimited activations, for purchase, or for variable product variations, each variation can have a different number of activations, including one variation that has unlimited activations. To get started with Amazon Web Services (AWS) login or create an account, then go to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) dashboard. If needed, Todd Lahman support can integrate the required WooCommerce API Manager code into your software. If the request is authenticated with an instance ID, then the URL to the file download is returned. The use case for this implementation might be a remote server(s) hosting a membership service that requires an API Key to access services. If you are into software selling business, then API Manager is the best companion for you. How you create an instance ID is up to you. If a customer purchases a product with a guest account the API Manager will fail for that purchased API Resource. Terms & Conditions. The WooCommerce API Manager PHP Library for Plugins and Themes is a PHP Library that can be dropped into a plugin and theme for API Key authentication and software updates with the WooCommerce API Manager. A number (positive integer) sets a number of days to limit access to the API Resource, so 365 would be a limit of one year. Found under WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Account Endpoints. If hard coding the Product ID into client software is too cumbersome, add a form field to allow the customer to add the Product ID themselves. The constant WC_AM_TRUSTED_SOURCES is used to restrict access to the APIs by specific IP addresses. An HTTPS connection to your store is highly recommended. This is especially true if the API Resource is a subscription. Custom User Registration Fields for WooCommerce 1.6.6, All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions 3.1.26, WooCommerce Additional Variation Images 1.9.0. The pre 2.0 API Keys will still work for activation, deactivation, and status queries, but may not work for updates in all cases if the pre 2.0 version of the PHP Library is being used for WordPress plugins and themes. $19. If this is for a subscription, then the subscription is still active. NEVER cache the home page URL, since that is where the APIs listen for requests. Is used to access and activate a single API Resource from the order. The documents at that time expected variable product variations to be setup with the exact same product using the exact same download file URL, having the exact same Software Title, and only differing by the number activations, however some stores used the same Software Titles for all the products on the store, and the same file, while others had created a multitude of other variations of this concept, which caused many issues. As mentioned in the Settings section, several different options are available to log API requests and responses by turning those options on in the API Manager settings page. If you are thinking of a customer-centric system for your software products, WooCommerce API Manager plugin might be really useful for you. These values can be changed, or left empty. If all else fails check the PHP, and web server (Apache, Nginx, etc. If the client is using a Master API Key then the client only needs to change the Product ID, or download new software that has the Product ID, to reactivate the API Key. If the product is an API product and a WooCommerce Subscription, the API Resource will not be displayed in the Order screen API Resources meta box, be available to the customer via the API, or be displayed in the My Account dashboard, if the subscription has expired. (Deprecated – Do Not Use) Software Title: This field was used prior to API Manager version 2.0. Found under WooCommerce > Settings > API Manager tab. Page URL: For WordPress plugins this is the plugin homepage. The WooCommerce API Manager performed extremely fast, and reliably under heavy loads without caching enabled. These items are developed by third-party developers and are distributed by EYEWP.COM. There is no need to import any data. define( 'WC_AM_TRUSTED_SOURCES', array( 'ip address 1',  'ip address 2', 'ip address 3' ); Add the constant WC_AM_TRUSTED_SOURCES definition to wp-config.php. Optional keys: object, version. When upgrading from API Manager pre 2.0 to 2.0 or greater, the data is migrated to custom database tables and the old data is deleted. If the product is an API product, and the API Access Expires time limit has expired, the API Resource will not be displayed in the Order screen API Resources meta box, be available to the customer via the API, or be displayed in the My Account dashboard. The API Manager expects the API Key used to request activation, along with other values as defined by the API function, documented below. If the error message “No file defined” appears for a local server download, check that the product has a Downloadable files URL, and it is the first file listed. The most frequently used Product types are Simple, Variable, Simple Subscription, Variable Subscription, and Group. The API Manager will attempt to automatically determine the IP address of the sender to compare to the ip_address value sent in the query string, and will only authorize for API access if both IP addresses match. 500 requests with 10 requests concurrency. More would need to be added to the query string to provide all the required information to activate the API Key. Error log message: AH01067: Failed to read FastCGI header, referrer: …. For example the root URL might be After the bucket is created, click on the bucket and follow the screenshots below to upload a file. We are trusted by thousands of customers around the world! Setting a reasonable limit will prevent downtime. Have a question before you buy? If the endpoints above are not displayed in the My Account dashboard go to Settings > Permalinks and save twice to flush the rewrite rules, so these new endpoints are included. Subscriptions not in Active or Pending Cancellation status, and orders not in completed status, or processing status if other conditions are met, will have the API Key activations, and API Resources, deleted. This URL has details required by Amazon S3 to authenticate the download request using the IAM user account information created to limit access to read-only Amazon S3, the file being requested, and an expiration time. Activation is accomplished through the authentication of an API Key. *** API Manager Changelog *** REQUIRED: WooCommerce 3.4. The URL is also created when client software sends an API query requesting a software update. One of the issues in using the woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions table began in WooCommerce version 3.0. The following form fields are found on the Product > Product edit screen > API tab. WooCommerce API Manager Sell API Keys because Software then Automated Updates because of Plugins then Themes. All WooCommerce Subscriptions have the API Resources and API Resource Activations displayed on the WooCommerce Subscriptions Parent order screen. If a new order for the API Resource is generated, a new Product Order API Key is generated to manage that API Resource, which means the customer will need to deactivate their software and reactivate using the new Product Order API Key. Download the .csv file, and store it somewhere secure, because this file contains the Access Key ID, and Secret Access Key you will need to add to wp-config.php using the defined constants (strongly recommended), or to save in the API Manager settings. If Unlimited Activations is selected, then Activation Limit is hidden. Note: If the Activation Limit is increased after the product has been purchased, all API resources for this product will have the Activation Limit raised to the new value. The test log syntax would be similar to the following line of code, where $resources is the variable storing the information to be displayed in the log: WC_AM_Log()->test_log( PHP_EOL . Can be changed by the store administrator. The last option is to provide an remote URL to file in another location. the files do not pass through the "third hands", so we can guarantee that you get the original product! The API Manager provides Access Key ID and Secret Access Key form fields on the settings screen, and the Secret Access Key is encrypted when saved in the database, however it is much more secure to define the constants below, and add them to the wp-config.php file. On the activation screen, if the product_id was not hard coded then the customer needs to enter both the API Key and the product_id. The PHP Library was written to make it quick and easy to connect a WordPress plugin or theme to the API Manager, but you can write your own using the API … Increasing this to a larger number than your Operating System can handle can cause expected resource limitation issues, so either keep the default, or choose something reasonable. REQUIRED: WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.3, if it is installed and active. WooCommerce API Manager Settings Form. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and If the product has a download it is considered software, and if it is a WordPress plugin, these tabs can be optionally displayed, although the changelog tab is required. EYEWP.COM has a huge base of customers who are entirely satisfied with our service the Website has a 5-star rating on the world’s famous consumer review website “Trustpilot”. How does it work? If the Master API Key is disabled, the Product Order API Keys, and Associated API Keys, available to the user will also stop working. Easily build incredible, professional websites with these plugins… And many more! The Product ID can be found by customers under the My Account > API Keys > Product ID column, and it is sent with all completed order emails. All resources are limited. The API Resources table shown below displays the Product Order API Key. After purchasing (The Plugin/Theme)Download (The Plugin/Theme) zip file from your account > Downloads Section. After API access expires the product must be manually purchased again. The second option is to use an Amazon S3 URL, which requires further setup for the API Manager to create the Amazon S3 secure URLs. On step 3 of the create bucket wizard the screenshot above was displayed, then 6 hours later the screenshot below was displayed, but either way accept the default settings as there are no changes needed. It automates the process of generating License Key and mailing it to the customer. Under the Variations tab a Default Form Value will need to be set as shown below. 100% clean original files without implemented advertising, viruses or malicious code. Required keys if not authenticating: product_id, plugin_name. WooCommerce API Manager Version 2.3.3. was released on August 18, 2020 and is … The value cannot be updated from API tab form. If a data update does not seem to be completing, it could be because the server does not have enough RAM or CPUs to handle the normal workload, and an update as well. REQUIRED: PHP 7.0. If you are a beginner and do need commercial support, consider buying directly from the developer. Not complete. The next key and value is wc_am_action={value}. Product Order API Key and Associated API Key are granted limited privileges by the Master API Key. WooCommerce API Manager lets you secure your software with an API key by acting as the WooCommerce Software License Manager. To implement, the remote server is required to add an ip_address query string key with the server’s IP address for the value to the HTTP request sent to the API. For this to work however, the store domain must be added to Drop-ins domains, and the settings under the Details tab must be set as well. WordPress Plugin: The lowercase name of the plugin directory, a forward slash, then the name of the root file. EYEWP.COM is not affiliated or in any way related to third-party developers or trademark owners, including: WordPress, WooCommerce, WooThemes, Yoast, etc. To build on the URL + query string we could add a request to activate an API Key such that: wc_am_action=plugininformation (Deprecated: for legacy use only), wc_am_action=pluginupdatecheck (Deprecated: for legacy use only). The first step is to make sure all plugins, themes, and theme template overrides are up-to-date. If the software is still in use the customer can still see if software updates are available even after the API Key time limit has expired, but the customer cannot get the update until they renew the API Key time limit through a new purchase, or renewing a WooCommerce Subscription. It’s that easy! The product ID matches the actual product ID. max_allowed_packet = 128M – is a MySQL setting and is changed on Linux servers in /etc/my.cnf. The Principal is the User ARN, and the Resource is the bucket name prefixed with arn:aws:s3::: and postfixed with /*. For all other API queries, that same instance ID would be sent. If these constants are absent go to. Copyright WooCommerce 2021. If the Master API Key is replaced, all activations for the user who owns the Master API Key will be deleted. As mentioned in the Order Status section, any order not in completed, or processing if other conditions are met, status will be considered inactive. All items are falls under the GPL. Below is what the form looks like when setting unique values for a variation, which has already been populated by the parent API tab form field values initially. The WooCommerce REST API works on a key system to control access. Note: WordPress plugins and themes require the ‘plugin_name’ and ‘slug’ keys and values depending on the API request, however non WordPress software can send fake data formatted as if it were WordPress software. This error happens when the database cannot handle more connections, because there are too many requests for it to handle. There is a link to create the Dropbox app key following the Save to Dropbox App Key setting on the API Manager settings screen. Just like the Product Order API Key, except you are in control of which products and orders it is associated with. Why are we so affordable? Learn more, including how to control cookies. For example, if a WordPress plugin or theme were being sold, each plugin/theme would create a unique instance ID for each API Key activation. Step 4, the success screen, will be the only time you can download the .csv file, or to view the Secret Access Key from the Amazon IAM dashboard for this user. An OEM license unlocks software preinstalled, for example, windows using an API Key. As of API Manager version 2.0 the Product ID is required to be sent with each  API call/API request depending on the API function and request type. WooCommerce has recommendations on how to go about preparing for a Major, or even a Minor, update to make sure your site doesn’t break, or have unexpected behavior. Purpose: Data returned depends on if the request was authenticated or not. Test first, backup, and be prepared before upgrading. Always test your current PHP Library in your client software to make sure it works with the new version of the API Manager, especially if a major version is released. Going forward, the simplest way to manage new file releases is to keep the name the same, and replace the old file with the new file in the same Amazon S3 bucket, so the Link will remain unchanged. The customer buys a Product (API Resource) which will have an API Key with a defined number of activations, or unlimited activations. It costs $15/month. This minimizes the resources needed to implement this feature for a product that exists on a lot of orders. An instance ID is generated on the object, such as inside client software or on a device, when it sends the first activate request to activate an API Key to gain access to API Resources. If the order is placed back into completed status, or processing status if other conditions are met, the API Resources will be recreated, but the API Key activations will not, which also applies to a subscription that returns to Active status. The setting allows for file downloads from Amazon S3. Changelog for WooCommerce API Manager. This documentation summarizes the default use. August 19, 2020. WordPress requirements (same as the version of WooCommerce installed). Postman is recommended for API testing. When SmartCache is combined with object caching the result is blazing fast speed. The objective will be to create a user who has restricted read-only access to Amazon S3 buckets, and no other Amazon services. The WooCommerce API Manager Nulled secures your software with API Key activations/deactivations, and provides automatic updates of plugins and themes to increase customer satisfaction and convenience. Edit the php.ini file to at least max_execution_time 30 or greater, but not too much or PHP scripts will take too long to complete: If you are running a Apache proxy, the timeout must be greater than ( > ) the php max_execution_time. Anything that is out-of-date, and needs to be updated, can throw an error that can prevent things from working in the background even though you are not seeing the error, and out-of-date software is security risk. That you would get if you purchased it from its author at its regular price. Below is a list of Action and Filter hooks for WooCommerce API Manager >= 2.0. API Keys for WooCommerce Subscription products will only work if the subscription has an Active or Pending Cancellation status. If a Subscription has been switched to a different Variable Subscription product variation, the API Resources and API Resource Activations will be displayed on the Switched Subscription order screen rather than the parent order screen, and the Product Order API Key will change, but the Master API Key will remain unchanged. Response times for requests are measured in milliseconds. ), WooCommerce Products will be automatically populated with tabs, and content for those tabs, when the product is an API Manager Product. In fact, the WooCommerce API Manager performed better as the request load increased, and at a rate of between 43,884 to 88,308 requests per hour, or 12.19 to 24.53 requests per second. The WooCommerce API Manager secures you software program together with API Key activations/deactivations, or offers automated updates about plugins or topics in conformity with make bigger consumer satisfaction and convenience. (The version will be updated.). PHP_EOL . Activations created using the Product Order API Key, and Associated API Key, are also deleted when the Master API Key is replaced. Purpose: Returns whether a software update is available. – WooCommerce API Manager is a WooCommerce Extensions being developed by Woothemes.

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