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I can recall, the morning after my father died they came up the front gate on their bikes and, called out to me and I went to the gate and I said, “I can’t come out my father died last night.” “Oh,”, and they got on the bikes and went for their lives. Under the direction of the new programming director, Jean Stock, a clutch of programmes and presenters were successful: Le Train des jouets, Léo contre tous, Citron Grenadine, Tête à Tête, Stop Star, Le Coffre-fort, Fréquence JLB, Atoukado and many presenters. He said, you know, and that was all right. Colonel Green he was, extremely, what shall I say? You mentioned that she worked. I think it was Silent Night you know that brought a bit of a tear to my eye. Her name was Peanuts. Japanese might come up with a nickname for Australians or … ? So tell us about the boat trip and arriving. What were you expecting? You just don’t talk about people. And then you’d get another jacket, like a parka, to put over it with big pockets in. Yeah. Oh gee you’re a villain. You’d bounce a potato off their head and, they’d come back to earth. That’s when the Peace Treaty was signed with the Japanese. And, off the ship in Sydney. Pow. They even do it here, on the Coast. We, at one stage were told we’d be home for Christmas 1950. What’s a way that you cope with these … ? Honshu of course is the main one. Yuck. And they went right through ‘till, I don’t know, the Occupation finished, in, May ’52 I think. here.” But I think later they went into proper, hygiene and, proper toilet methods, mm. Every now and then that was checked to see, what rating we were. And then, he just held his hand out like that, and it came down point first and bounced back into his hand. Yeah my wife and I went. ridiculous. And we had to leave some of our gear behind. Oh it’s the old clandestine, way of running, the bureaucratic, business, with government. I, started in one and you get, get it starting to build up and, then you see something that’s historical and you pull it out you put it in your folder. Yeah. And, that was part time, you know. They’d be stiff wouldn’t they? The antenna was split channel between UHF SECAM 21 (Luxembourg / Lorraine) and UHF PAL 27 (Belgium). Will they get here and, no no and, of course. And that was, that was pretty sad. There’s the postie, yeah. My best memory? Soap. that was that. They were good mates yeah. one space, one area there, there were 60,000 Koreans buried, with no names. Just walk in and say, “I want to join the army,” “Okay, fill the form in”. Earlier than that though actually in the hills, mopping up operations. Then the, bubble burst, after, how long was I there? And that’s where the, United Nations cemetery is now. In the South Korean army. The J Files . And, everything was for the Emperor. Like what kind of formations, what kind of methods? Yeah I hated shame so I volunteered and I was glad, I did. Oh I just can’t remember now. And I went to Japan in November, with, a few other guys and we were part of the Commonwealth Occupation Force. It, took a lot of, lot men, we had 339 killed. And did you, have to keep records of the results? (It was the first channel in Europe to show Dallas, before even TF1). Just imagine, imagine three little hamburgers, about so big, put in a tin and, gravy with them, and then sealed. Yeah. if needed. But still that’s by the way now. it’d come into your lungs. I should have read closely. Indian [(UNCLEAR)], Norwegian Mobile Army Surgical Hospital. And then in 1951 they formed the Commonwealth Division, made up of Australian, English, Canadian, Indian, New Zealand, South Africa. I was covered head to foot. I mean the North Koreans were in a certain compound and, those who were South Koreans but fighting with the North Koreans were also put in a separate compound but, they had their own, judge and jury and trials and, anyone who didn’t conform, he was gone. Oh well the poor devils, I shouldn’t use that term or knock them but, they weren’t given much, by way of payment. And he used to come in and order a pound of butter, so Mum tells us, told us. North Koreans. were told, that we were going there, we had to volunteer incidentally, I said, “Where’s Korea? Just a bit more sort of general stuff in Korea …. And, she, at the moment, has got a file on me and plus a lot of other guys and she, used me for some of her work on her thesis for her Masters degree. And then, another time I got a 100 per cent on technical. A fighting patrol where you had to go and fight, in a. certain area to, stop them from, getting through to your area. And on this, as you moved up north, when you stopped for a night. ‘Cause we knocked any. Not an employment officer, similar type thing. And, he, he was just a skeleton when he came out of that of course. Yeah. Yeah. Wanted to be there. And they’ll have a little, fire there called a, I think, an ibachi, and, they use the chopsticks to turn the embers. Landed in Sydney. So that’s how it went. !’ Up it goes, yeah. Yeah. We did get a George Cross in Korea for a prisoner of war, who was also in my platoon, Slim Madden, but more on that later. But, we’d have to be careful what we’d say because they could pick it up, yeah. But I did have a photo or painting of Colonel Green’s funeral. Maybe with bayonets and all but, point is if you were prepared for it well, they’d just get mowed down. And there was one big Canadian guy, and he ate 17 half crayfish, or lobsters as you call them up here I think. significant, to think about. Some have stated that, they’ve gone blind because they looked at it. Not really, no. And he’d pull up, and the guy’d fall off and I thought oh he’s going to run over him and kill him. The RAN [Royal Australian Navy] people often say the RAN, Royal Australian Navy, that’s an acronym. They were brain beaten. people talk about, the explosions? The beer was all right. And we had to put them into the decontamination chamber. And, all the Americans had their girls and they, had them dollied up and they had them with these, bobbysocks shoes on, two-tone, shoes and, like you see in that film Grease? What sort of news, I mean aside from the telegram, but what, would you get letters from your brothers? You’d get a good Japanese imitation of an American, Ronson, cigarette lighter, for about 20 cents. Oh well that, you’re up for treason, I guess. Which gives me the chance to answer any question, that’s put to me. Well I said “What, what did you do that for?” I swore at him I suppose and, he said, “Wait’ll you see, we don’t take prisoners, wait’ll you see what they’ve done to our blokes. A regular claim on the channel was that a programme was being broadcast "priority for RTL Television". RTL Télé Luxembourg was renamed RTL Télévision in 1982, marking the emergence of the RTL brand. Or just sat on the floor there could’ve been, 30. Regional Rail Link (City to Maribyrnong… Equinix Data Centre. But it was a pretty dull sort of an existence in the hospital there. No, but, I’ve been asked, not so far back either, if I remembered a hospital being there and I said sure, I remember when it was built. So. And, brought them home with me. recruit training we were, interviewed by a, what do they call him? Did you ever think why there was such a difference between the Japanese in World War II and what you saw? We were up early, one day we were up at five and went to bed at midnight. And, you just don’t run out on others. Oh we got on okay. Hundreds of thousands, Gosh. But only about so deep, so that we could lie in them and, have a sleep. You see, we were only a Battalion and, then you go from a Battalion to a Brigade to a Division, to a Corps, to an Army. Due to this, AB Groupe proposed that the channel should move to digital terrestrial television in France on 1 July 2002. Bang. And, very well known Battalion too you know. The eldest, or the elder of the girls, June, she’s dead so there’re three of us, left now out of five, hm. that was blown to pieces. Well it’s like that. I was 12. The public, the population didn’t change much, for the, let’s say, oh how can I put it? Stayed at the Lottie Hotel, pardon me. Taegu and that took us up to Seoul, the capital, which had been relieved after the North Koreans took it over. Well they all, nearly all had a name as I mentioned before, about a girl her name was Peanuts and, one, Japanese, guy, young fellow, in the kitchen he was, we called him Punchy. Sway. He was sacred you know and, certainly weren’t allowed to, to go near it, weren’t allowed to even touch it and, the Japanese would just lie on the ground and bow and moan and carry on when he went past them. How did you feel about it being a British, about a British operation, using Australian land? And, because I can remember, working in this pottery and, just around the corner, double-decker busloads of ex-prisoners of war were coming home. : 00200. They can only celebrate the start of it. Now, he was only. Always, yeah. Very very steep and craggy. We couldn’t go too far there and, we weren’t allowed in, to have a look. I might’ve, I can’t remember actually. And, then we’d, have to stop and jump off and get on the side of the road and, if if they’d hear a shot or a mortar bomb, yeah. But he’s still got all the powers of, what have you in his own country, yeah. Just turned 12. And I brought some of that to, give everyone a drink and oh it was shocking stuff. It hit a tree, outside his little tent and, went right through his stomach, the splinters, and, cut his stomach open. It was an old Dakota DC3 Mark 4 I know all about them, pardon me, because I used to jump out of them. But Truman said, “No, we’ll create World War III. I don’t know that I ever saw any right up the front line though. So you were in this holding unit, tell us where you went from here? And you weren’t allowed to watch the flash you know, as the fireball goes up. Would you ever buy things from the black market? And, they had mortars, which were a, damn, nasty weapon. And, when, when he died his son took over, Akahito, and, that, that’s not so long back or, or is it? But, didn’t know, didn’t have a clue where Korea was. I mean, the South Koreans if they took North Korean prisoners, ‘Pow.’ They didn’t muck around, yeah. But never were we in one spot more than about a day. Yeah. I might have had to go out, with a liney, a linesman, and do that. The, buildings in Tokyo, to me seemed very intact. We went all over the place we went to, the Korean cemetery, war cemetery. Even with the addition of some high-ranking staff from RTF (for which RTF unsuccessfully complained against Tele-Luxembourg), such as Jacques Navadic and Robert Diligent, later of Journal de Télé-Luxembourg, the launch of the channel was hazardous, with few experienced staff, teams consisting of former radio technicians who had moved into television. The project showed the intention to broadcast eastwards towards France. Only Jean-Luc Bertrand, director of programmes, remained at the channel. With a few guys not many. Just, general clerical work, probably putting files away and, opening envelopes you know what the, menial tasks, type of tasks given to a, junior. We went to live in Hawthorn when I was 18 months old and from there, I joined the army. And they were good hard soldiers too. It was a big hill. filled the Battalion and then we went over as I mentioned on the 27th of, September 1950 and we lobbed there on the 28th of September 1950. In fact, one guy, I’ve never met him but I know of him and I’ve spoken to him, he, he married a Japanese girl and, her name was Cherry. Because it’s all over you see. So tell us about this role, what would you be doing exactly? And they formed a composite company and, we marched in that, company, with them through the streets of Melbourne it was great yeah. I don’t. It was a man. which division it was but, might have been the 24th Division, which we were attached to, had to withdraw, and, there had to be a rearguard action. What was your relationship with your siblings like, growing up? And I’ll go along with that. Which was called the Devonshire, and it was manned by Royal Air Force guys, the crew. But, no. It was it’s not that far across to Chongju from Pakchon. I was too busy worrying about Lorraine and how what she thought of it and she, she, very non-committal she’d just say, oh yeah this is good and. Seoul. Bag World M11. south to, BCOF Hospital. I stand corrected there because I, just can’t remember it was all so sudden. But it’s it’s a fascinating thing and, our guys got the, American, Presidential Citation, for the Battle of Kapyong. There’ll be moaners and groaners who say they should have this and they should have that. Came home from Korea on the Tuesday and on the Saturday I went out to meet my mates, out at Hawthorn at the, in the hotel and, we got stuck into it and I bought a couple of bottles of champagne and, I had them in, in my coat pockets and went down to a, hamburger shop and had, had a meal and, went outside and I was sick and a couple of police, came and carted me off. Yeah well how were the North Koreans treated by the South Koreans if they were prisoners? That’s, that’s to me is. And he was doing his course at Staff College at Queenscliff, to be a. Battalion leader if you like or something like that. Did you hear a car then? But I. don’t know, it’s it’s silly to me because, everyone knew there was a hospital there. What other examples of poverty were you seeing? And we went, practically, from Seoul in South Korea right through North Korea on foot, or riding on a tank. Originally the French language service of Radio Luxembourg, RTL is France's leading newstalk speech station. Yeah. When I arrived there, they were starting to, get ready to go home, the Indians for example, and the only ones left were Australians. Might have been at the end of May. And, they had Russia too. In fact I’m pretty sure I didn’t. And, when I went down to join the Battalion we lived in huts, at Hiro. Blackwoods, part of Wesfarmers Industrial & Safety (WIS) is a recognized leader in managing design, development and supply chains globally, as such we are committed to working with our supply partners to continuously improve ethical business practices After the Battle of the Broken Bridge at Chongju, tell us about, the Chinese entering the war, tell us from your experience. I guess if, like, talking about it from the point of view of, of the South Koreans, who live there. What was it, World War II or … ? Got something wrong with my right eye. What are those funny little things? And that was lovely there. To stop them harbouring. But he just wandered off somewhere I don’t know. Yeah. The Ultimate Chick Flick Love Songs. We didn’t see them as we were doing the advance in another direction I call it. I couldn’t understand how, they could live in these, little houses with paper doors and what have you but, once you go into them, they’re pretty spacious and they’ve got plenty of room. It was awful. I was posted to Japan on at the end of my recruit training at Puckapunyal in Victoria. There was more, more trees, than anything. When I came home, I was posted to, Kapooka, to the Recruit Training Battalion there as a clerk. We we used to have, cooked meals, which was a welcome change I suppose. You know like, some of these, like RAAF [Royal Australian Air Force], no, that’s not a very good example. Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders and the Middlesex. Yeah. How did you meet her? Royal George Hotel has been welcoming guests since 29 Feb 2012. One bloke said something about me that, stopped me from going and it was something to do with my age, yeah. found carcasses, hanging from the ceiling in his room. Just what you said then about it’s sacred, that you wouldn’t talk about it …. Yeah. Place recorded: Port Augusta.] As many as they could get. That might have come from, a Japanese name from way, back I’m not sure. Oh they had an American base of course, they came from an American organisation or unit. No. Just a little bit about, your time in, in hospital in Japan …, What was the hospital set up like? We lived in, tin huts which were used during the. Oh, God yeah. Had them done up like that and, they used to think they were great and they were important because they were. What are we going to do? That’s what they are. All these things. What did you think of MacArthur at the time? She worked in the milk bar and I used to go there on a Friday night and sit and, just look at her you know and, get the courage to take her home and walk her home and it was miles, you know and we’d walk home and, yeah. Could have blown up both to smithereens. Sir,” and he said, “Hummerston,” who incidentally was the first man killed in Korea, he said, “It’s a salute I’m after not a weather report.” Oh he was a pig of a man old Red Robbie, yeah. Or continuing on further up North. And, with a patrol you have a forward scout. And we just, waited there, until, there was a suitable flight. Yeah, we go to the functions, for the Koreans. I don’t know. And I get aggro over that. Like the Americans went to Tokyo they didn’t come. troops were from the United Nations side fighting? And he died, on New Year’s Day. Did you ever have to classify or destroy your records? What did it look like? You could sell that stuff to them and make a heck of a profit on it. At the time there was a beer shortage I don’t know whether there was a beer strike or something and they had a brew of beer called Bovan. And, we were told that the American Division, which was a bit further North than us, was coming through. A troop ship called the HMS Devonshire and it was manned by, Royal Aust-, Royal Air Force, personnel. But, that area they let South Koreans have on the Eastern side was useless. amazing. into old, being pedantic now aren’t I? Oh. Bowing to me and you know, it was a job to them and, they felt very important, doing it for the Occupation Force. And, when you come back you say, oh well, I’m glad I did that, mm. And, what else? Alex King Handbags O6. And they had, they operated mainly from somewhere in Adelaide, I can’t think of the name of the, actual area. La collection RTL Georges Lang vol.3. But, we were glad to get back I can assure you. And I was talking to her about him she said, well I’m pleased to hear you say that about the mouth organ he carried that through World War II as well. No they wouldn’t talk about it. It’s sometimes been referred to as the Forgotten War. Silly isn’t it? But when I was 14 it somehow seemed to leave me. Strangely enough on a British troop ship. But they were fighters and, they used to fight, my word they did. And, they had to believe in it or or they’d be shot. I think, maybe from South America. And, I think we might have been told that Russia, North Korea and China were all Communist countries. Useless. Can’t think of his name but, yeah. You had to turn around, you could feel the heat on the back of the neck. He’s since died too, yeah. But it was very far-fetched. They also had an Empire House for, any of the Commonwealth troops to go in and, have dinner or, you know, whatever they wanted to do in there, play billiards. The first show consisted of introductions to the channel. And, I quite enjoyed that. An old dogbox, oh God, a rattler, from. Because they believed we were there to save them, yeah. And, I couldn’t even tell you where it was, I didn’t know. And, he at one stage told the Brits, to take us and the Kiwis and get out of Korea. And they were, you’d just, eat them with a fork or, a knife or a bayonet. How does it make you feel that about this concept of … ? Very colourful actually, their national dress yeah. My, eldest son, sorry the second eldest son, he, he’s often asked me this and asked me that and I’ve told him a few things but, in fact I’ve told you more than I’ve him as a matter of fact. No I’m, now I can’t think, Koshidori something. And, I’ve, I’ve got my own notes on that and, I have to re-write them each year according to how much time I’ve got. All the others had, both parents. Mm. And, there was a big stoush, not Kapyong but the next one, Maryang San. Was it justified? The productions became more professional and from 1956 to 1957, the CLT built a tower towards the top of Villa Louvigny which became the offices and studios of Télé-Luxembourg. Well. A lot of people thought that the 3 Battalion fought the North Koreans, at Kapyong but they didn’t they were Chinese. How’d you get on with all the other nationalities? And, at the Broken Bridge, on, or the day after I’m not sure which it was, at Chongju anyhow, on the 30th or the 31st of October, it was all quiet, it must have been the 31st, it was all quiet that day and we were in a position when we thought we were going to have a spell.

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